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          全國服務熱線 13315560268
          當前位置:首頁 > 產品展示 > 污水治理 > 食品廢水 > 食品廢水處理









          Wastewater treatment in the food industry


          Abstract: The content of the food industry is extremely complex, including the production processes of sugar making, brewing, meat, dairy processing, etc and the discharged wastewater contains organic matter, which has strong oxygen consumption and a large amount of suspended matter discharged with the wastewater. The wastewater discharged from the processing of animal also contains animal excrement, blood, fur, fat, etc., and may contain pathogenic bacteria, so the oxygen consumption is very high, and the pollution is higher than that of the wastewater discharged from the processing of plant food. Therefore, the wastewater from the food industry has a great impact on the environment and human beings, it needs to be treated and purified by certain technology before it is discharged.

            關鍵詞:食品 食品工業廢水 處理方法

          Keywords: food; food industry wastewater; treatment method

            1 概述:

          1 Overview:


          The food industry includes many industries such as meat processing, aquatic product processing, dairy processing, canning production, brewing, sugar refining, etc., the raw materials of the food industry are extensive, the types of products are numerous, and the amount and quality of wastewater discharged vary greatly. The difference with other wastewater is that food industry wastewater generally does not contain harmful substances such as heavy metals and pesticides. However, its BOD, COD, etc., are generally high. most of the raw materials used in the food industry are organic substances that can be digested by the human body, the biodegradability of food industry wastewater is good.


          The main pollutants in wastewater are: (1) solid substances floating in wastewater, such as vegetable leaves, fruit peels, minced meat, poultry feathers, etc.; (2) substances suspended in wastewater, such as oil, protein, starch, colloidal substances, etc.; (3) acids, alkalis,, sugars, etc. dissolved in wastewater: (4) mud and sand and other organic matter carried by raw materials, etc.; (5) pathogenic bacteria and, etc. Food wastewater includes wastewater discharged during the production of alcohol, beer, monosodium glutamate, starch, lactose, citric acid, vegetable processing various soft drinks, which will cause great pollution to the environment if it is not treated in time.


          The characteristics of food industry wastewater are high content of organic matter and suspended solids, easy to corrupt, generally no large toxicity, water quality and volume change with the season, and high concentration of wastewater. Its hazards mainly include eutrophication of water bodies, which can lead to the death of aquatic animals fish, promote the production of malodorous organic matter deposited at the bottom of the water, deteriorate water quality, and pollute the environment. For the treatment food industry wastewater, in addition to appropriate pretreatment according to the characteristics of water quality, biological treatment is generally suitable. If the requirements for effluent are very high the content of organic matter in the wastewater is very high, two-stage aeration tank or two-stage biological filter can be used, or multi-stage biological disc, or use of two biological technologies, or anaerobic-aerobic series biological treatment system can be used.

          2 國內外概況

           2 Domestic and foreign situation


          The control of food wastewater pollution in China started late compared to western developed countries. Based on the experience of foreign treatment technology, a large number of food wastewater treatment technologies have been introduced and developed with the national science and technology research project as the platform. Some projects have reached a high level. The production and operation these new technologies have played a crucial role in alleviating the severe water pollution situation in China and improving the water environment.


          The China Environment Bulletin shows that the pollution of surface water in China was still serious in 2008. Among the 407 monitoring sections in the seven major water systems, the proportions of sections with water quality of Class I to III, Class IV to V, and worse than Class V were49.9%, 26.5%, and 23.6%, respectively. The overall water quality of the seven major water systems was moderately polluted the water quality of rivers in the Zhejiang-Fujian region was lightly polluted, the water quality of rivers in the northwest region was excellent, the water quality rivers in the southwest region was good, and the problem of eutrophication in lakes (reservoirs) was prominent; the water quality of the near-sh sea area was generally lightly polluted. Among them, the wastewater from the food industry accounted for a large proportion. 


          A large number of food processing enterprises are distributed in China, especially in small and medium-sized cities and towns. The modernization degree and production of these enterprises are getting higher and higher, but the water quality of the produced wastewater is poor, and the amount of wastewater is increasing continuously, which is very harmful the environment. The food industry, including the beverage industry, is a major water consumer. Only a small part of the water consumed is used for food production itself, most of it is used for washing and cleaning in the food production process. Therefore, these wastewaters can be recovered and reused. The pollutants produced by the fermentation, which basically uses grain as the main raw material, are mainly due to the fact that the grain is not utilized. Therefore, most of the pollutants discharged into the environment are products and by-products with recovery value.


          Modern wastewater treatment technology is divided into three categories: physical treatment method, chemical treatment method, and biochemical treatment method. The physical treatment method includes precipitation method, filtration method, centrifugal separation method, and flotation method; the chemical treatment method includes: coagulation method, neutralization method, oxidation-reduction, electrolysis method, extraction method, stripping method, adsorption method, electrodialysis method, and reverse osmosis method; biochemical treatment method: activatedudge method, biofilm method, oxidation pond method, and land treatment method. In addition, there are some new technologies, such as enzymatic degradation method, the of efficient degradation bacteria, the application of ultrasound technology, magnetic separation method, supercritical water oxidation method, and


          3 Wastewater treatment


          3.1 Indicators for measuring the degree of wastewater pollution and the characteristics of wastewater: biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD total suspended solids (TSS), volatile suspended solids (VSS), nutrients, acidity and alkalinity, temperature, toxic substances, etc.


          3.2 Physical treatment methods: Physical treatment methods refer to the treatment methods that apply physical effects to change the composition of wastewater. The treatment methods for food industry wastewater include screening, removal, regulation, precipitation, air flotation, centrifugal separation, filtration, microfiltration, etc. The first five processes are used for pretreatment or primary treatment, and the last three are mainly used for advanced treatment.


          3.2.1 Sieving


          Screening is a widely used method in pretreatment. Its main function is to separate coarser dispersed suspended solids from wastewater. The equipment used includes grids screens. Grids intercept coarser suspended solids, and their function is to protect pumps and subsequent treatment equipment.



          3.2.2 Removal


          Some food industry wastewater contains a large amount of oil, which must be removed before entering the biological treatment process, otherwise it will cause blockage of, pumps and some equipment, and also have an impact on the biological treatment process. In addition, the removal and recovery of oil has great economic value


          The oil in wastewater can be divided into two categories: free floating and emulsified. Generally, the oil separation tank removes the floating oil, with removal rate of more than 90%. If there is a regulating tank or sedimentation tank in the treatment process, it can save investment and land


          3.2.3 Adjustment


          For the wastewater of food industry with large changes in tax system water volume, a regulating tank is set up to regulate the water quality and water volume of wastewater.


          3.2.4 Precipitation


          Sedimentation is used to remove inorganic and organic solids from raw wastewater, as well as to separate the solid and liquid phases in treatment processes. Inorganic solids in raw wastewater are removed using a sand trap; organic solids in raw wastewater are removed using a primary sedimentation tank; and the biological liquid phases in biological treatment processes are separated using a secondary sedimentation tank. Sand traps are generally located after the bar screen and screen. To avoid the precipitation of organic in the sand trap during removal, an aerated sand trap can be used. The use of a primary sedimentation tank can reduce the burden of subsequent work. Sedation tanks can be divided into horizontal flow sedimentation tanks, vertical flow sedimentation tanks, and radial flow sedimentation tanks according to the direction of water flow in the.


          3.2.5 Air flotation


          Dissolved air flotation is mainly used to remove emulsified oil, surfactants and other suspended solids from wastewater. There are vacuum type,urized dissolved air type and plate type. The removal efficiency can be improved by adding chemical coagulants or flocculants to the water before the wastewater the dissolved air flotation tank.



          3.3 Chemical treatment method


          Chemical treatment method refers to the application of chemical principles and chemical effects to convert pollutant components in wastewater into harmless substances, so that wastewater can purified. Pollutants change their chemical nature after going through the chemical treatment process, and chemical changes always accompany the treatment process. The treatment methods used for food wastewater neutralization, coagulation, electrolysis, oxidation-reduction, ion exchange, membrane separation, etc.


          3.3.1 Coagulation method


          Coagulation is the main chemical treatment method, which can not be used alone, but must be combined with precipitation, clarification method or air flotation method physical treatment process, forming coagulation precipitation or coagulation air flotation.


          For some wastewater with smaller colloidal particles or colloidal solutions, it is difficult to precipitate. Coagulants are added to make them form particles that are easy to precipitate and remove.


          3.3.2 Oxidation-reduction


          Redox is an effective method to transform pollutants in wastewater, in which organic and inorganic substances in wastewater are oxidized or reduced into micro-toxic non-toxic substances, or are converted into forms that are easy to separate from water through chemical reactions, thus achieving the purpose of treatment.


          3.3.3 Ion exchange


          Ion exchange is a method of removing harmful ions from water by exchanging them with other ions using ion exchange agents.



          3.4 Biological treatment method


          Biochemical treatment method is one of the important processes in the treatment system of organic wastewater. In the treatment of food industry wastewater, the biological treatment is divided into aerobic, anaerobic, stabilization pond, land treatment and a variety of combined processes formed by their combination. Biological method is the main secondary treatment process aiming at degrading COD, BOD.


          Aerobic biological treatment processes are divided into activated sludge processes and membrane processes according to the growth form of the microorganisms used. The former traditional activated sludge method, stage aeration method, biological adsorption method, complete mixing method, delayed aeration method, oxidation ditch, intermittent activated sludge method etc. The latter includes biological filter, tower biological filter, biological disc, activated biological filter, biological contact oxidation method, aerobic fluidized bed, etc.


          Anaerobic biological treatment is suitable for food industry wastewater, mainly because the wastewater contains easily biodegradable high-concentration organic matter and is nonxic. In addition, anaerobic treatment has low power consumption, the produced biogas can be used as energy, the amount of excess sludge generated is, and the entire anaerobic treatment system is sealed, which is conducive to improving environmental sanitation.


          4 Conclusions and Prospects


          Through the use and implementation of the above various effective methods, the wastewater in the food industry has been greatly improved, and other substances can obtained from it, and other raw materials can be produced instead of throwing away waste and causing waste, which can be recycled to reduce unnecessary losses and waste. The pollution water bodies, human health and other parties have been greatly reduced, but the equipment and energy consumption used in various treatment methods are a great burden, and most of the or small and medium-sized food enterprises are unable to bear it, and some enterprises are unwilling to invest too much capital in wastewater treatment in order to obtain more profits. the other hand, the national policy and relevant laws and regulations are not perfect and the implementation is not strong enough, and the investment of the state in this aspect is much; moreover, the quality of some people in the food industry is low and the consciousness is not high enough, and they do not see the severity of wastewater pollution only care about their own interests.


          If the state can increase investment in this area in the future, and establish a sound system and legal system, so that these detection methods can be used, the situation of wastewater treatment in the food industry will be greatly improved, and the impact on water pollution will be extremely small, and the impact on human health be greatly reduced. Food enterprises will also gain other benefits from the treatment project, so that resources can be recycled. China's per capita resources are very small, so will reduce the burden in this regard.


          I believe that if the above detection method can be popularized, our country will benefit greatly, not only in terms of money, but also for the of the people of the whole country.

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